Experience the healing energy of our native Andean culture
Andean native energy healing
It is a technique used by Andean healers since time immemorial, it is normally performed as a means of cleansing heavy or dense energies.
In the Andean world we call these energies “Jucha energy”, this energy affects not only the physical level, but also the mental, emotional aspects and energy balance in general, this technique is made up of a series of procedures, not only physical. , but also include cleanings with various plants considered sacred, flowers, herbs, smoked with herbs and woods called holy, elements and others from nature (we do not use any type of animal, out of our respect for their lives), special stones, or the energy of the hands and the power of the word in a special environment, in the mountains and the Natural world, or in a quiet, more private and specially prepared environment.
We include this beautiful technique in almost all of our positive rituals, as well as in the cleaning of the spaces where we live and work, accompanied by melodies and songs among other Andean mystical elements. You will live and learn these experiences, the names of the plants and elements, their use, the different steps in their practical use and the philosophy, therapies or realities in which they are applied.
All of the above perfectly meshes with our way of working and empirical-holistic experience that manages pranic energies in all their most developed variants, especially those related to the philosophy and spiritual-energetic practices of the Hindus, Taoists and the gnosis or universal knowledge that brings us closer to the truth.
initiation and management of energy according to our Andean principles
According to our Andean concept of energy, this living energy or Kawsay Pury flows and interrelates with all the living and material elements of this our reality or earth (Allpa) in a harmonious interrelation, in an Ayni or reciprocity, where, naturally, Mother Earth positively transmutes any type of dense energy or Jucha, however, and due to many endogenous and exogenous factors, in the case of the human being, and due to many weaknesses to which it is affected (emotional, traumatic, mental, blockages and others), their vital energy or Poqpo is affected, that is why it is very necessary to identify, control and transform heavy energy into Sami energy or refined positive energy in order to align or cure any type of energetic disorder and its manifestations in order to heal any emotional wound, health failure or existential problem.
What will you learn and develop with us?
*knowledge, self-knowledge, mastery and energy control
*knowledge and reading of the human subtle aural electromagnetic body or Poqpo, its forms of management and interrelation with other human, social and material energetic entities.
*paths and types of aural energetic alignment
*-Initiation to Hampeq energy healing
* initiation to energy cleansing or Pichay
* various types of energy cleaning,
* energetic cleansing including the concept of Munay or universal love
* control and opposition or combat against non-positive directed external energy interference or Yanay Juchas
* material elements, rituals and diverse energy channeling.
other elements of knowledge, control, channeling and interaction with various exogenous energetic elements, more advanced levels and only aimed at people who pass the various stages of experimentation and teaching or mastery.
What are you going to experience in your life?
- enhance your own vital energy or Poqpo in such a way that it will provide you with a powerful energy repowering with which you can deal with any challenge you set for yourself.
- It will provide you with clarity, calmness and emotional control that is vital for your mental, physical and social self-realization.
- emotional balance capable of controlling your previous energetic-emotional problems, such as past traumas, sentimental problems, dependency problems and any new problem that life faces you.
- know how the various types of energy work and their management for the positive benefit of you, your family and your life plans, present and future
- Energy ritual integration to our healing plants and healing and knowledge rituals.
- Increase your background and knowledge of how we handle the various energy manifestations and their consequences in life and destiny.
- advanced methods of energy mastery and channeling aimed at higher levels of practice and knowledge. (optional and subject to evaluation)